Monday, May 24, 2010

Fragility = Strength

There seems to be long gestation times between my blogs. Been cherishing the introspective phases. A pleasure to reconnect back…

I was just thinking that Is Strength the absence of Weakness? Is it possible or rather necessary that weakness/fragility and strength co-exist. My take is that they do co-exist but not in the physical dimension. They do in an emotional dimension.

Fragility is essential in our lives. It is necessary to obtain true strength.

How does one get in touch with their fragile/ weakest/ insecure parts of themselves without judging it, without falling apart. It is an interesting process, best for another blog. For, now lets relish, digest the fact that fragility is a design in our system for achieving greatness!

It is like a skyscraper. The skyscraper needs to have the strength to support tons and tons of weight and at the same time have a designed-fragility so that it can swing, to adapt to the forces of nature. Sears towers is designed to swing, 7.5 feet to a side to adapt to strong winds.

I believe that we are a conduit. Life should not flow around us, it needs to flow through us. I find that in creativity, to do our best, fragility is an essential ingredient. By creativity I refer to any process from writing, painting, films, raising a family to an I.T job etc….

We are programmed to look at inherent fragility as a negative. On the contrary, one should befriend it, be comfortable in it, since that is the best space to jump off to greater heights. A designed-fragility is there not to shy from the universe but actually to source it!
