Lots of superhero movies out these days and I always love the ones that show the beginnings; Stories where the superhero powers are raw. In its raw from, the superpower can even kill you. But, when you learn to control it...it makes you a superhero.
So, if everyone is a superhero then what is our superpower... its fear! Fear is a huge source of energy. Most people have a primal response of moving away from it. Primal suggests an animal like response... Its a start. We need to recognize that....well its a start. From that primal response we need a response of higher consciousness. i.e a journey towards being a superhero.
Fear usually comes up when we are outside our comfort zone. And if you are operating at your peak potential you will always have fear around...cause you will always be outside your comfort zone. And if you are too comfortable in your life...then possible you are not operating at your potential. So, as you grow in life you will be always facing fear as you cross one threshold after the other. The key is how do you use this energy called fear. What we need is a training regiment... different for different people. Am designing one for myself... lets see what it does : )
I always loved the episode in the Spiderman movie (the Tobey Maguire one). He acquires spidey powers but he is clunky, running into things, not knowing how to deal with it physically and emotionally, falling, taking the elevator... That's how we are. When we are fearful..our first reactions are primal, running away, angry, taking out on other people, etc. Then once we decide to face it... we take our falls, we get up, we learn...and evolve. Then when you master it... it turns from a negative force to a very powerful positive force.
Another movie that has a gorgeous analogy of fear/flight/fright is Avatar. When the hero climbs the hanging mountains and reaches the place where he can choose his bird. He asks, how will he know his bird of flight.... she replies.. it will try to kill you : ) love it!
Next time you face fear
1. Know you are doing something right
2. Figure a way to master it:
3. Be a Superhero/ine
I know what you are saying..how the hell do you do Point# 2. Ramblings on it soon!
So, if everyone is a superhero then what is our superpower... its fear! Fear is a huge source of energy. Most people have a primal response of moving away from it. Primal suggests an animal like response... Its a start. We need to recognize that....well its a start. From that primal response we need a response of higher consciousness. i.e a journey towards being a superhero.
Fear usually comes up when we are outside our comfort zone. And if you are operating at your peak potential you will always have fear around...cause you will always be outside your comfort zone. And if you are too comfortable in your life...then possible you are not operating at your potential. So, as you grow in life you will be always facing fear as you cross one threshold after the other. The key is how do you use this energy called fear. What we need is a training regiment... different for different people. Am designing one for myself... lets see what it does : )
I always loved the episode in the Spiderman movie (the Tobey Maguire one). He acquires spidey powers but he is clunky, running into things, not knowing how to deal with it physically and emotionally, falling, taking the elevator... That's how we are. When we are fearful..our first reactions are primal, running away, angry, taking out on other people, etc. Then once we decide to face it... we take our falls, we get up, we learn...and evolve. Then when you master it... it turns from a negative force to a very powerful positive force.
Another movie that has a gorgeous analogy of fear/flight/fright is Avatar. When the hero climbs the hanging mountains and reaches the place where he can choose his bird. He asks, how will he know his bird of flight.... she replies.. it will try to kill you : ) love it!
Next time you face fear
1. Know you are doing something right
2. Figure a way to master it:
3. Be a Superhero/ine
I know what you are saying..how the hell do you do Point# 2. Ramblings on it soon!
Nice way to put it Raj.. Conquer ur fears and be a superhero...