Tuesday, May 26, 2009

80-20; 60-40: what does this have to do with Directing?

Well what does a director do?
A director,
- directs the actors,
- directs the camera
- and directs the budget (if he ever gets the real budget numbers)

There is one more thing lets call it
- pandora’s-box.

You need to direct pandora’s box. The last point is of prime importance. This is what gets you a job, allows you to keep it and get a new one. This has nothing to do with creativity. It is a slew of things; from how to deal with a delay in a day, a change in script, an actor’s mood-swings, an important prop, egoes etc. These are things that are beyond a director’s control for whatever reasons. This actually takes about 80% of your energies. 20% is left for creative stuff. This is where the right collaborators are of prime importance in making a film. You need to cast behind the camera with equal sincerity as you cast for roles in front of the camera.

I have seen extremely creative guys not getting their movies made whereas average directors are able to get their projects launched. Why is that? It is how you deal with the pandora’s box.

I believe that doing anything 60% is easy. Taking it to 70% is a challenge. 80% is difficult and then it gets to be an exponential curve. So, your Return on your investment (monies/energies) goes down as you strive higher and higer. But to do something unique or different you need to be atleast between 70 – 80 percentile area. Will get back to this point.

As I embark on my next film script/ pitching. I have decided that if you want to work with a star, you better understand what is important to the star. When a producer comes into the picture, you need to understand what is important to the producer. Hopefully the producer, actor and the critical members understand what they want and are in sync. Remember that if they care for a pass mark on the test, they are happy with 60% on the film. Then you are just banging your head against the wall if you try to make it better. Worse you might actually antagonize the critical members by trying to make it better. So, you need to be able to chuck that 40% to a side. Take it easy!

With all this you are still asked for something different. Aah – different. Same story different execution. Different story ….It is not different as you perceive it. It is “different” as the star or the producer perceives it. If you are aware of these you can do a lot, make an impact, make monies, and save your creative energies for another day.

There is no escaping this if you want to play in the mainstream arena. It is better to understand and adapt till you get to the point where you can make the movies the way you want to. Get into the belly of the beast first before you deal with the beast.

I think I give 60% for this blog. That’s enough! Ciao! Raj

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Different day same feelings!


Been wanting to write another segment for the past month and there have been too many topics. But, this email hit me. It was an email I wrote to send to my friends in the U.S, on the 30th of May 2007. It never went out. It is still sitting in the Inbox. I guess it was meant for today :)

Hola Friends,

Long time and no hear from raj. I am sure most of you are thinking well, that was good. Sorry to interrupt the pleasant silence from Raj.

What have I been upto?
Zip, nada, zilch if you look at it in one way and hell of a lot from another perspective. Completed two scripts here in India and have been building relationship with studios and producers (bullshttng with them). The field of filmmaking is subjective and that makes the ride magical and torturous. But, one thing though, if it does not crush your spirits and soul, then you are for sure a better person at the end.

On social side: Spent some time with grandmother in a small town called Bhimavaram. She and I have become good friends and it seems the older we get we seem to be getting closer. One spirited woman, whose first line of any conversation, phone or otherwise is "when will you get married?" my reply: march 8th 2008, that is when a film will be almost complete for raj and that is when things might happen on the personal front :) (no one in the picture, nothing wrong in wishful thinking though, especially when it brings a smile to my grandma's face.

I miss U.S and all of you guys.

I have rented a bungalow along with another friend that I had made in London. Both trying out for films here. I am still living off 2 suitcases (its been that way for 2 years now) and the lighter I get , the better I feel. The more honest my approach is to life. It is more clear what I want and dont want.
So much of the film stuff is still relevant. more soon,